
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pstools part 3: pushing silent updates

Suppose that you use clamwin and spybot s&d because your boss is cheap and you sure as hell ain't gonna pay for it yourself, but you have to provide some type of baseline security for your AD (active directory) networked windows clients; and you're too lazy to manually install over 50 machines, while people are using the aforementioned machines.

Pstools and silent install to the rescue!

Type the following from a superuser account in the AD network in the command line interface (dos):

psexec @hosts.txt -s -n 3 -c -v "clamwin-x.y-setup.exe" /sp- /silent /norestart
psexec @hosts.txt -s -n 3 -c -v "spybotsdxyz.exe" /sp- /silent /suppressmsgboxes /norestart


@hosts.txta file containing ip-addresses or domain client computer names seperated by endlines
-srun with system rights
-n 3try maximum of three times, before concluding that the client is not reachable
-c -vPush the following file (e.g. clamwin-x.y-setup.exe) to client; -v implies push only if it's newer (spare bandwidth, non-clobber).

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