I'm assuming you're using node and already did: npm -g install webworks, also you already have a blackberry id. To make this work you have to make a debug token (filename: bbidtoken.csk) request via the website.
To make this work you need two files: author.p12, bbidtoken.csk
Both should be copied to $HOME/.rim where webworks can find it by default on Linux;
~/Library/Research\ In\ Motion/on a mac.
author.p12 can be generated using bbidtoken.csk with the following commands:
blackberry-keytool -genkeypair -storepass [The passphrase you used to request the debug token] -dname "CN=[Company name]" blackberry-deploy -installDebugToken bbidtoken.csk -device [ipv4 address] --password [The passphrase to access the device internals]
Finally to install your app (assumingly made with cordova/webworks):
webworks --verbose run --devicepass [The passphrase to access the device internals] --keystorepass [The passphrase you used to request the debug token]
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